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Crown casino melbourne slot machines

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Making assertions about law but not giving the commission anything to back it upĬrown Melbourne has a 'special monitor' overseeing the casino's operations for the next 15 months.Īt the end of that time, the monitor and the regulator must decide whether the company is 'suitable' to hold the licence.Failing to give investigators 'everything it could reasonably need to be aware of' about wrong-doing.Making submissions 'not supported (or contradicted) by the evidence'.It responded in a manner 'redolent of the old Crown, which Crown Melbourne keeps saying it wishes to leave behind'. 'Crown Melbourne's response to this matter has left the Commission with the distinct impression that Crown Melbourne is determined to continue interacting with the Commission in the same way as it did with the former ,' the report says. While Crown has new owners and is pledging reform, the regulator says its investigators hit a wall of resistance.

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The fines were handed down for breaches of responsible gambling requirements, including allowing some patrons to gamble for more than 24 hours.

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